本帖最後由 pc1668 於 2024-7-9 17:12 編輯
M$ HK 官網
USB 充電顯示0W
用MS 充電頭插住都係開唔到機
本身未試過, 仲已貼左成8舊水既貼 (機身+玻璃)
louis2021 發表於 2024-7-8 10:49
無啦, 點搞到係係WINDOWS LOGO 就熄左
louis2021 發表於 2024-7-8 10:50
ARM 發表於 2024-7-7 22:09
DOA is very bad! And that means the QC is very bad!
"仲已貼左成8舊水既貼" ... waste of $
I have had encountered similar issue when trying to use a Surface Pro demo unit at Fortress ... a few years ago! At the time a Sales person performed some kind of hard reset, then the laptop was able to boot up again ... l u c k i l y . And I've made up my mind and bought the Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Carbon (very stable!). IMO, stay away from MS laptops |