[配件] SWIFT 3 (SF314-56G-51AX) RAM 上限?

請問有冇師兄知道 呢部機 上限係單條16 定32 GB?

以下係官網, 佢寫左只得單槽, 跟機一條 8GB RAM , 但佢無寫 可以擴充到16 定32...

如有師兄知, 請告知,謝謝

本帖最後由 ckkong97 於 2022-2-2 14:40 編輯
請問有冇師兄知道 呢部機 上限係單條16 定32 GB?

以下係官網, 佢寫左只得單槽, 跟機一條 8GB RAM , 但佢無 ...
asu_alvin 發表於 2022-2-2 13:51

好似本身onboard 有8GB RAM... 再可以插多一條.... 打開部notebook 睇下係唔係empty memory slot
https://community.acer.com/en/di ... r-swift-3-sf314-56g


We can find the disassembly video from this.

We can see that , 1 so-dimm slot in the notebook mainboard.

I have tried in my Thinkpad , CPU model i7-8550U, which is half generation older than the i5-8265U, can support 32GB so-dimm.

This experience could not guarentee the Acer swift 3 can support though. Just for your reference.


多謝2位師兄解答, 我開左底蓋, 見到得單槽, 同埋一條 4GB , 即係On Broad 4GB, Total 就8GB, 今日出左Jumbo 買左條16GB 加左落去, 抽起番條4GB ,而家變左20GB 問題已解決 ,謝謝