[操作疑難] 請問可唔可以講吓Mac OS vs Windows 7

想買新機, 諗緊好唔好買Mac.....Mac啲Hardware太靚...
但用咗 Windows 7幾年都覺得好好

玩咗好多次Mac OS又唔覺得比Win 7好好多
但Win 7 打機/行software/駁返公司一定得


回復  goshigoo

嘥氣 , 開e d post吾知搏乜? 買一萬幾千蚊野都要上網揾人氹自己? ...
pak1018 發表於 2013-7-3 16:07

咪搏你出post lor


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本帖最後由 samiux 於 2013-7-3 01:16 編輯
goshigoo 發表於 2013-7-2 16:47

Basically, Flashback is a worm which makes use the vulnerability of the Java to infect the Mac OS X.  When the Mac OS X does not install Java, the Flashback can do nothing on it.  That's why Apple does not include Java with the Mac OS X after the incident.  When users need them, they can install them but the users should take the risk.  That means Java, Flash and Adobe Reader are not safe.

It is harder to get the rights of Administrator of *nix unless the *nix (operating system) has vulnerabilities.  In general speaking, malwares (such as virus) require Administrator's right to run in *nix.  

Even a *nix infected a *nix kind of malware, the damage is lesser than a Windows system which infected a Windows kind of malware.  Windows malwares may lead to compromised the whole system but *nix cannot as the malwares cannot get the Administrator's rights unless you give them.

By the way, the common of Windows system in the world is due to the pirate copies but NOT the secured and user-friendly features.  Meanwhile, *nix systems are more stable than Windows system.  For example, when updating packages in *nix systems, you are not required to reboot the system unless the kernel is updated.


Update reason : fix typo


主要意思係帶出 Windows 既安全性係好倚賴 anti-virus program, 而言 anti-virus program 一旦失守 Windo ...
Oops 發表於 2013-7-2 16:43





本帖最後由 Oops 於 2013-7-2 16:48 編輯
*nix systems do not require AV programs given the current usage as server OS
如果人人用Linux做Desk ...
goshigoo 發表於 2013-7-2 16:32

主要意思係帶出 Windows 既安全性係好倚賴 anti-virus program, 而言 anti-virus program 一旦失守 Windows 所謂既安全措拖 (UAC/Defender) 係形同虛設. 未被偵測既木馬可以完全 bypass Windows UAC/Defender 同 anti-virus program 取得 Windows 既 administrator 權限.


*nix systems do not require anti-virus programs.  Windows system requires anti-virus program as it ...
samiux 發表於 2013-7-2 15:43

*nix systems do not require AV programs given the current usage as server OS
如果人人用Linux做Desktop, 我相信Linux都要Antivirus

好多人唔明呢個道理; Win多virus原因係多人用; 你睇吓呢幾年多咗人用Mac, virus咪又係多咗

係Windows 行完個有virus既program之後話AV detect唔到; 跟住就話Windows 唔secure?


本帖最後由 samiux 於 2013-7-2 15:52 編輯
Server一定係Linux架啦; 呢個我一定認同
其實好可惜既係唔知點解Linux as a desktop會失敗

Desktop真係 ...
goshigoo 發表於 2013-7-2 15:02

*nix systems do not require anti-virus programs.  Windows system requires anti-virus program as it is very easy to be infected without it.  However, anti-virus programs are reliable?  I do NOT agree that anti-virus programs are reliable.  Please see this article for details.

So, we can classified Windows system is not secure enough.


P.S. the captioned article is created by me.

Update reason : fix typo