ANKER 官方召回多款行動電源
A1642 / A1647 / A1652 型號存在缺陷
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文章索引: IT快訊

【注意 ⚠️】ANKER 17 日發出召回公告,宣布召回 A1642 / A1642 / A1647 型號行動電源,官方指出部份批次產品採用了存在缺陷的鋰離子電池,有機會出現過熱現象並可能導致燃熱風險。


據了解,受影響力的 ANKER 電源型號為 A1642、A1647 及 A1642,有問題批次出廠時間為 2024 年 1 月至 2024 年 9 月之間,即日起 ANKER 啟動了全球性的召回計劃,請聯絡當地代理商尋求客戶服務,ANKER 將為用家提供換貨服務。


⭕ ANKER 自願性召回計畫公告如下︰


「We have discovered that some of the lithium-ion batteries used in our Anker 334 MagGo Battery (PowerCore 10K), Anker Power Bank and Anker MagGo Power Bank may pose a fire risk due to a manufacturing defect. The lithium-ion battery in the affected powerbanks can overheat, potentially causing melting of plastic components, smoke and fire hazards.


Although only a small number of batteries (a batch used in the products from January 3, 2024, to September 17, 2024) may be affected by this issue, out of an abundance of caution, we are reaching out to all customers to begin a Recall program.」






